Saturday, June 5, 2010

C Projects free download with Source code

Introduction about C

           C is a programming language developed at AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was designed and written by a man named Dennis Ritchie. In the late seventies C began to replace the more familiar languages of that time like PL/I, ALGOL, etc. No one pushed C. It wasn’t made the ‘official’ Bell Labs language. Thus, without any advertisement C’s reputation spread and its pool of users grew. Ritchie seems to have been rather surprised that so many programmers preferred C to older languages like FORTRAN or PL/I, or the newer ones like Pascal and APL. But, that's what happened.

C projects

            This blogspot has number of C projects samples with source code. Each projects has brief explanation and comments. students can freely download the projects and its source code from this blogspot. This is useful to students who they needs sample c projects for their mini projects. If the students download the projects should understand the projects then implements further or enhance the projects will increase their knowledge in the programming language.

List of C projects

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